Saturday, April 25, 2009

Karet - Cursed By The Ancestors

Achrei Mot - Kedoshim

one who does as directed to be like everyone else, that one shall be cut off from among the Ancestors ... Vayikra 17:4
דָּם שָׁפָךְ, וְנִכְרַת הָאִישׁ הַהוּא, מִקֶּרֶב עַמּוֹ

דם שפך - to pour out one's lifeforce (witchblood) as one is told to do in sacrifice to conformity, to be like everyone else, to fit in - to fail to be true to oneself, to lust after similarity to the group norm at the expense of one's uniqueness - this results in the curse of karet (וְנִכְרַת). To be cursed with karet is to be cut off from among the Ancestors (מִקֶּרֶב עַמּוֹ).

In Celtic Faery Witchcraft, it is known that the Ancestors mediate, guide and empower passage of the soul beyond the Guardian of the threshold into the redemptive mysteries of the Otherworld. Thus, to be cut off from this mediating ancestral power, is to be cut off from access to the Sacred Witchcraft of Sitre Torah.

Dare to be true yourself - for the consequence of failing to do so is karet.

דם from the root דמה means to resemble and to lose unique distinctiveness

שפך means to move as directed, to do as one is told, to pour out one's lifeforce (one's witchblood) as instructed to do by others or even by the Divine