Saturday, April 4, 2009

Torah Only A Behimah Is Fit To Do


this is the law of the beast, to make the difference between the bound and between the pure ... Vayikra 11:46-47
זֹאת תּוֹרַת הַבְּהֵמָה ... לְהַבְדִּיל, בֵּין הַטָּמֵא וּבֵין הַטָּהֹר

This is the law of the beast, the behimah. Interestingly, Torah does not tell us that this is the law of the Divine soul, but rather, Torah tells us that this is the law of the beast, the animal, the behimah. What is a behimah exactly?

The root of behimah is בהם, which means "subordinate to another" - like a slave in Mitzrayim even. Consequently, this Torah law is the law of slaves - in other words, of regular people as we live our everyday lives.

Consequently, the Torah suggests that the act of "making differences", of distinguishing between the bound and the pure and making a united sacred ground - this is Torah only a behimah is fit to do. The Divine soul cannot do it.